June Chicago Street Photography Workshop
Sun, June, 20, 2021 - The Chicago Street Photography Workshop ($195) is a 2-part Workshop over a one-day period, and includes a three-hour PhotoWalk from 11a-2p, and a three-hour Editing session from 4p-7p. You can opt out of either part, but a discounted fee is offered for participating in both.
-- Part 1 ($125) - 11a-2p -A three-hour PhotoWalk/Camera Tutorial around the Downtown Chicago, starting inside the Loop, and continuing throughout the heart of the city where you'll learn how to use your camera, how to capture images of people, buildings and the urban environment. Street portraits and street photography go hand-in-hand, and you'll receive instruction on how to use your camera to best capture the life happening around you during the workshop, and your everyday life.
-- Part 2 ($100) - 4p-7p - A three-hour editing instruction period between 4p-7p. Here you will learn how to edit your images in Lightroom (or an editor you already have) for consistent production in the future.
The group will consist of a MAXIMUM OF FIVE individuals, so make sure to reserve your space now! The fee does NOT include accommodations/food/transportation to meeting location. If you need accommodations, please reach out for hotel information, or any other questions you may have.